
I would like to thank Craig Stuart Adams for trusting me with his own situation, and even more so, for offering his real estate expertise for my military clients. With Craig's talent and his network, we are able to really make a difference for current, transitioning, and former members of every military service branch. Craig is a true350 degree advocate for his clientele

Ethan Samuels
Wealth Management , 4358 Camino De La Rosa

I would like to thank Peter Stephan for his absolutely brilliant advice with respect to some financial challenges/opportunities I see with my personal portfolio. It is nice to know someone with so much exposure to these matters who is not only knowledgeable but willing to share from their personal experience. Thank you, Peter!

Craig  Stuart Adams
Broker , W Real Estate ~ San Francisco

I recently completed 3 videos with Bob when he interviewed my former clients about their experience using me to represent them for their reverse loan application. Bob makes it very easy to set up the interviews using a special link to create the video and capture the dialogue, that he will edit into a well done and professional video testimonial for you to use on your website and social media platforms. If you haven't taken Bob up on his offer to help you, you are missing out on branding yourself as an expert in your field. To see his work, please take a peek at my profile on LinkedIn for examples of how the videos appear. Thank you Bob, for making me look like a "heroine".

Lorraine Jones
Lenders , Option Funding, Inc.

Jay McDowell is one of the most talented coaches your business will ever have. His perception-management skills are second to none. His grasp of the issues with which a business owner must deal is the result of decades of on-the-ground experience. He will immediately get to the heart of whether a business owner owns a business or is himself/herself the business. More important than that, he will help this owner develop corrective strategies if the latter is the case, and optimization strategies if the former is the case. If you are preparing to sell your business or exit, he will make sure that your business is an ASSET, capable of performing after you are gone, and can be sold for top dollar UP FRONT. Your small business clients owe it to themselves to schedule a meeting with Jay.

Ethan Samuels
Wealth Management , 4358 Camino De La Rosa

Jason represented me in a personal injury matter and achieved a grand slam settlement and substantial reductions of my medical bills following the achievement of a tremendous third-party pre-litigation settlement. I would highly recommend the Law Offices of Jason Gorowitz to anyone requiring competent representation in a personal injury matter.

Michael Goldman
Consultants , MIG Consulting

I would like to thank Larry Christian for extensive work to review my clients’ family portfolio’s vesting on multiple properties. He got them done ASAP and the information was most helpful to my clients, and they helped me as their commercial RE agent. Cant recommend Larry any more highly than he is TOPs in his field!!!

Susan Porter Griego
Real Estate , Realuxe Real Estate Group | InFocusPlus

I would like to thank assessment / reassessment consultant Kent Meyer for visiting my San Francisco real estate office and sharing some key thoughts on how to potentially, and legally, save our clients a lot on their property tax. Every property is unique. We always look for ways to position our clients in the most favorable light possible at W Real Estate. Thank you, Kent! Craig https://www.linkedin.com/posts/craigstuartadams_craigstuartadams-bayarearealestate-sanfranciscobayarea-activity-6965778133413232640-ewUk?utm_source=linkedin_share&utm_medium=member_desktop_web

Craig Adams
Broker , W Real Estate ~ San Francisco

I know I haven't been to meetings in a while, but that is because All Cities has helped me generate more referrals than there are hours in the day. My practice has flourished and grown in size and sophistication astronomically in the past 4 years. Within my firm, I have the reputation as the guy who never runs out of case opportunities. A great deal of this comes from relationships cultivated here at All Cities. Jay McDowell has become an amazing referral partner and I am honored to have him on my list of 5-star professionals. Chris Lake has taught me and my clients a great deal about R and D Credits and Employee Retention Tax Credits. Mike Monteleone helped me win the bare-knuckle brawl for my home. Howard Loeb helped connect my clients to Business Attorneys for entities established in Puerto Rico. Networking has become my favorite part of my business and no one teaches it like Eric Shaw. No organization cultivates a culture better suited to champion-level networking than All Cities.

Ethan Samuels
Wealth Management , 4358 Camino De La Rosa

There's so much to say about Valerie Dufix of Diamant Carre Capital Group. She is a true professional and a very knowledgeable business loan broker. But she doesn't stop there. She takes a holistic approach to consulting her clients and uncovers other needs such as residential mortgage lending needs. I greatly appreciate Valerie always thinking of me when she identifies a mortgage need and we work seemingly together to help her clients through the "fun" process, all the way to a successful closing! Thank you, Valerie!!

Steve Lavaeddin
Bankers , City National Bank

I would like to thank Matt Cohen of AccuVisors CPA's and Tax Resolution Institute for thinking of me when a business client of his was in search of a more responsive bank that can be more of a trusted advisor and consultant. Matt has been in constant contact with me and is helping his clients through the process and his attention to detail and follow up has been top-notch! Thank you Matt!

Steve Lavaeddin
Bankers , City National Bank