
I'd like to thank Craig Stuart Adams of W Real Estate for the referral of a client that needed help with a private money commercial loan that recently closed up in northern California. Craig is the consummate professional and helped with the introduction to the client along with assisting in the real estate side of the transaction. Craig was instrumental in helping to get the transaction completed and is the best real estate agent I've ever worked with in my 25 years in lending. Thanks Craig and look forward to doing more business together in the future!

Mike Micci
Banking & Finance , Redwood Mortgage

I'd like to thank Richard Brownstein for his continued referrals of clients that are looking for funds to help them resolve their bankruptcy or credit challenge situation. Richard is the best BK attorney that I've ever worked with and his attention to detail with the solutions he brings to his clients make him stand out in his field. I would recommend his services to anyone that has a personal credit challenge or has clients that need help with a bankruptcy. Richard is the best at what he does!

Mike Micci
Banking & Finance , Redwood Mortgage

Larry Christian & Gary Bregman from Old Republic Title are the best title & escrow company that I've worked with in my 24 year mortgage career and I highly recommend them for anyone needing title research, real estate or loan services, and their state of the art technology for all real estate & finance professionals. I sincerely appreciate everything they bring to the table for my business and can be of service to anyone that owns or manages real estate. Don't be idle, check your title!

Mike Micci
Banking & Finance , Redwood Mortgage

I would like to thank Eric Bell for the referral of an irrevocable trust loan that recently closed and Eric was instrumental in helping to get that loan closed. Thank you very much for your trust and also the fantastic job you did helping some of my clients with your expert advice for capital gains mitigation strategies. I would highly recommend Eric for his insurance / long-term care and capital gains tax mitigation services and he has my business for life!

Mike Micci
Banking & Finance , Redwood Mortgage

I want to thank Dan Glick for referring me his client, and to thank him for thinking of me.

Dee Maloof
Accountant , Dee Maloof Bookkeeping Service LLC

I want to thank Doug Snider for the referrals he has given me, and for thinking of me. I greatly appreciate this

Dee Maloof
Accountant , Dee Maloof Bookkeeping Service LLC

I'd like to thank Doug Snider for thinking of me when speaking with a prospect of his. This prospect is a defense contractor looking to finance the needed equipment due to a increased order from the US Military and in need of a $1MM line. Doug is also working with him to provide solar and carports for his facility and might also need a $2.5MM loan to help finance that project. Thank you, Doug! Doug Snider is a professional consultant with Office To Cloud and provides a host of telecommunication services, commercial solar, and utility optimization. He's an advocate for his clients and has the knowledge and ability save his clients thousands in business expenses every year.

Steve Lavaeddin
Bankers , City National Bank

I would like to thank and show my sincere appreciation to Sean Hesami for referring his nephew to me for his business and personal banking needs. he is currently banking at First Bank and not getting the service and attention is growing business needs. he's out-grown his working capital line and First Bank is unable or unwilling to increase. Working with Sean's nephew and looking forward to closing the deal and opening a relationship soon! Sean Hesami is the CEO of Exclusive Notary Services and a former Banker with tremendous credit and banking knowledge. He also provides LiveScan services for banks and federal agencies, such as the FBI.

Steve Lavaeddin
Bankers , City National Bank

My thanks to Craig Stuart Adams (Realtor/San Francisco), for referring to me, an estate planning attorney who had a client in the South Bay Area ,(Southern California- Palos Verdes), who needed assistance in selling her home after the passing of her husband. I so appreciate your referral and look forward to referring back to you again, too!!!

Susan Porter Griego
Real Estate , Realuxe Real Estate Group | InFocusPlus

Thanks to Marty Josephson from Marcum CPA. He has given me a referral to finance a technology company. Much appreciated.

Lawrence  Hurwitz
Banking & Finance , Lawrence Financial Group